
EP80A PON Protocol Analyzer

Handheld PON protocol analyser and OLT supporting power measurement and ONU authentication verification.
  • Multi-purpose PON OLT; supports EPON & GPON projects
  • Simplify resource-verification workflow
  • Detect long-term arrearage users
  • View test results on mobile device or operator server, and receive data feedback
  • Includes multi-λ OPM, light source, and PON-OPM (optional), reducing the need for multiple devices
  • Read ID codes under existing authentication mode
  • Highly customizeable to suit your test needs
  • Test anywhere, anytime with ultra-portable design and more than 18 hours of battery life

The EP80A is a handheld PON protocol analyzer and OLT (Optical Line Terminator), allowing users to read PON ONU authentication codes and ensure the stable operation of PON networks.

In modern EPON and GPON configurations, an OLT permits or denies ONT access based on one of several common authentication methods. These methods generally involve passwords, SNs, and LOID (Logical Identity) checks. Although the specific method differs from network to network, users can always be uniquely identified by their authentication code.

Enter the EP80A. This tool analyzes the code carried by a user-side ONU device, pinpointing the user’s data in the operator’s network management system and greatly simplifying resource verification. The EP80A has a number of custom options that expand its toolkit even more, including PON-OPM and smartphone controls.

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