MTP-200X is a portable and versatile OTDR test platform with 8” touch screen, dynamic range up to 50dB. It utilises a compact multi-functional platform, with 8 inch high-resolution touch screen, which are specially designed for FTTx / WAN applications and can meet all test requirements of installers, contractors and service operators during network installation, construction, maintenance and troubleshooting.
It is convenient and accurate for auto/manual testing, multi-wavelength testing and multifunctional analysis.
Link Image software helps technicians use an OTDR more effectively, without the need to understand or interpret OTDR results. It converts the graphic data points obtained from traditional single pulse trace into reflective or non-reflective icons which gives users a schematic view of the entire link.
● Icon-based fibre link view of all events
●Automatic pass/fail results
●Eliminates the need for OTDR expertise