

Comprehensive, automated service validation and quality assurance for pre and production mobile networks
  • Evolver simulates synthetic traffic through the core network for testing video, messaging, voice and data.
  • Combines simplicity and flexibility and therefore caters to all types of users.
    Simplicity: Extensive library of predefined test cases, user-friendly Web GUI for simple execution of tests.
    Flexibility: Fully flexible script engine, configurable state machines, a mix of protocols in the same test case, a substantial number of protocols supported, flexible integration through REST API
  • Automation enablement through REST API
  • Configuration and not programming through full-state machine GUI
  • Single platform for Active Monitoring, Functional Testing and Performance Testing.
  • Verify QoS (jitter, delay, dropped packets etc) and QoE (PESQ, POLQA etc)

Evolver is a flexible platform that enables service validation and service quality assurance in mobile networks. It offers centralised control of network testing and active monitoring programmes, comprehensive script editing and real performance modelling.

Increase efficiency for network test and assurance programmes 

Simple to integrate, hundreds of test cases

REST API interfaces enable integration with orchestration platforms, providing full alignment with new deployment models.

Hundreds of network test cases and scenarios can be created and executed by distributed active agents, supporting CI/CD/CT models.

Comprehensive, flexible, and customisable – full control 

Full customisation with powerful script editor

A powerful script editor enables configuration of different scenarios, backed by a library of traffic cases and models.

Extensive, flexible KPI reporting, and alarms ensures that all measures are captured for insight, giving instant feedback.

Active Monitoring By continuously simulating synthetic traffic through the core network, active Monitoring provides a preventative approach, allowing customers to detect problems before subscribers through early warnings/ real-time alarms down to seconds
Instantly verify new releases, services and updates to support CI/CD/CT
Verify QoS and QoE for individual services
Measure from a UE perspective, to detect if/when/how problems in the network affect customer experience
Active Monitoring offers a good complement to passive monitoring
  • Active Monitoring has no issues with data privacy/GDPR due to the use of synthetic traffic
  • Growing end-2-end encryption makes it difficult to monitor traffic with traditional passive probes
  • More price effective compared to passive monitoring, especially in 5G networks due to surging data volumes
Functional Testing
  • Validate control and user plane interfaces
  • Automated Regression tests
  • Multi-protocol testing
  • Easy-to-use web GUI and scheduler
  • Full flexibility in creating test cases
  • Test nodes & services in isolation and/or end-2-end
  • Library of predefined test cases
  • Automation via REST API
  • Outside protocol connectivity
Performance Testing
  • Cost-effective solution for high load UPF testing, where we can scale up to multi-terabit testing while still leaving a small hardware footprint (only requires 1U HP server for generating 400 Gbit/s load.)
  • Re-use test cases from functional tests with different load profiles
  • Define KPIs with thresholds on any metrics for automated load tests
  • Model realistic traffic conditions
  • Automated testing in CI/CD/CT environments
  • Test nodes & services in isolation or end-2-end
Evolver Overview
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