Opale Systems

Opale Systems provides innovative solutions for the validation, troubleshooting and monitoring of Data, Voice and Video services used by Service Providers and Enterprises, and designed by chipset, handset, & network equipment manufacturers.

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This device is a 6-slot modular system that allows users to flexibly define which interfaces to use...

Metric Server
MetricServer processes speech file pairs through industry standard algorithms such as POLQA® to det...

MultiDSLA solution is a state-of-the-art measurement system for Voice Quality Testing and Performanc...

Qual IT
Qual IT is an active monitoring solution that delivers insights into end users experience on your s...

Voice Quality Management As A Service
VQMaaS is the cloud solution providing the ability to manage everything about the quality of your v...

VoxPort Packet
VoxPort Packet (VPP) is a new generation SIP end-point providing VoIP signal generation and measure...

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