Solutions for
Optical Testing
Essential handheld tools
Featured product
Install and maintain optical networks with this rugged OTDR.
Excellent short-distance performance with 0.8m event deadzone and 4m attenuation deadzone.
Featured product
AE700 DWDM Analyser
The AE700 is a DWDM Channel Analyzer for the installation and maintenance of DWDM systems.
This capable handheld unit measures power and OSNR in the C-band (1527 ~ 1567 nm) or L-band (1570 ~ 1610 nm)
Featured product
AE2200 FTTx Meter
OTDR performance specifications with up to 2 wavelengths, perfect for FTTx, RFoG, and RF PON installation
Mini optical power meters, perfect for installation and verification of fibre optics networks and optical based services.
A sleek, zero-fuss OTDR weighing less than 1 kg that tests the common 1310 & 1550nm wavelengths in 5s flat
Perfect for qualifying physical layer services, including FTTx, CATV, PON, and long haul networks.
AE500 Compact CWDM Channel Analyzer
The AE500 measures 8 CWDM channels simultaneously for fast verification of CWDM power levels and wavelengths.
The AE600 measures across 18 simultaneous CWDM channels between 1271nm to 1611nm.
DWDM Channel Analyser for testing C and L band DWDM systems, with support for optical signal to ratio (OSNR)