Solutions for
Testing cloud services
Ensuring virtualised services and functions
Gain insight into the performance of your virtualised network functions and application services in order to ensure business continuity. Identify infrastructure constraints that and issues the affect the quality of service.
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An extensible and open test platform for benchmarking and validating NFV ecosystems, enabling Service Providers to assure their virtualized infrastructure.
CloudSure helps ensure the success of NFV-based environments such as 5G.
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Netrounds is a programmable, Layer 2 to Layer 7 active test and service assurance platform for physical, hybrid and virtual networks.
It enables the continuous testing and monitoring of virtualised services and network functions.
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Network optimisation
Meet the challenges of virtualised service delivery with network equipment and software to increase the efficiency of the underlying networks..
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Cloud connectivity
Verifying public cloud connectivity
Data-centre interconnect solutions
Innovative, flexible open optical networking solutions and devices for the new era of open networking.
Network optimisation solutions
Meet the challenges of customer service delivery with network equipment and software to increase the efficiency of the network.
Network access devices and TAPs used to make a mirror copy of all of the traffic that flows between two network end-points.
Layer 1-4 network packet brokers support aggregation, load balancing, filtering and more.
Layer 1-4 network packet brokers support aggregation, load balancing, filtering and more.
Simulate and test a range of network protocols across the telecom network