
Ensuring Audio & Voice Quality Experience

Opale Systems products deliver reference voice quality measurement systems to service providers and telecom manufacturers. With interfaces for VoIP, mobile, satellite and wireline networks, the MultiDSLA based products ensure voice quality of experience for customers worldwide.

Voice Quality Of Experience

Delivers true and objective Voice quality perceived by end users with repeatable and accurate measurements based on international standards (PESQ, POLQA®). 

Speech recognition

Suitable for functional testing or residential gateways.   Automatic access to our Speech-To-Text online platform.


Unparalleled interoperability allows call performance testing between any end points in analogue, digital, mobile or IP domains. Automation engine enables to create any test you need. Your imagination is the only limit. 

Flexible, scalable architecture

Modular, scalable Architecture makes it deployable from the product Lab environment to Enterprise Network Operations. Comprehensive API enables you to automate MultiDSLA from anywhere, by any application, at any level 

Voice and audio streaming integrity

.sAssess your performance of audio streaming over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.  Detects and records any break or distortion over a test period. Specially designed for voice control systems (Amazon® Echo), car audio systems, or cordless loudspeakers

IVR testing

Test IVR navigation and response using speech generation and DTMF tone generation.

Cloud based service features

Configurable dashboards for every role. Default configuration includes detailed dashbaords and information to suit 3 defined roles.

Management view

How is my voice service performing? How did it perform historically? What is the QoE trend? 

Technician view

I need to troubleshoot my voice service. Where am I having problems?


Engineer view

 I need to understand the issues in depth, I need to plan capacity, I need to ensure the quality of the service I am providing.


Let us help

Our expert staff are ready to help identify the best solution for your voice quality testing and monitoring needs.

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