
Aster XGB A-818

Microtel Innovations
GTP protocol correlator, load balancer and adaptor
  • IMSI based stateful correlation of GTP-C and GTP-U messages,
  • Session based off-load of unwanted traffic (e.g. IMSI or APN based),
  • Load balancing subscriber traffic flows to output ports.
  • Manage 100Gb/s total traffic
  • Up to 10 million concurrent tunnels
  • Identifies and correlates the subscribers traffic flows inside the GTP tunnels
  • Multiple filter criteria including: APN, IMSI, VoLTE , inner IP, GTP traffic types and no GTP traffic
  • Session-aware IMSI based load balancing distribution to different ports
  • Manages IP packet fragmentation, as recognizes all the segments belonging to the same packet and forwards them to the same output port.
  • 20 x 10Gb/s ports
  • 20 x 1/10Gb/s ports

Core network sites where GTP protocol is used are facing an extremely increase of traffic that the existing monitoring tools are unable to cover.

While respecting GTP protocol correlation the Aster A-818 can smartly reduce the amount of traffic, preserving users data integrity.

Data sheet
situs thailand