

400G BERT Production Tester | QSFP-DD, OSFP, QSFP MSA Compliant Interfaces | CMIS 3.0/4.0 Benchtop version | Low-profile version for in-situ oven tests | PAM4 & NRZ BERT | Replaceable adapters
400G BERT Tester
  • High-value, instrument-grade bit error rate tester optimised for high-speed data analysis of 200G/400G transceivers
  • Cabled interface to the adapter for optimum signal integrity
  • QSFP-DD, OSFP, QSFP adapters are available, with other types upon request
  • Integrated BERT and host controller enable:
  • o RX CTLE tuning
  • o TX Equalisation control
  • o Current and voltage sense
  • Powerful Tx/Rx Equalisation control for link optimisation and minimising power consumption
  • Excellent insertion loss characteristics of the connector saver
  • TP1a performance is compliant per IEEE802.3bs
  • Real Hardware FEC implementation:
  • o PAM4: KP4(200G, 100G and 50G), KR4(100G, 50G)
  • o NRZ: KP4 (25G) and KR4 (25G)
  • Supports PRBS13Q/31Q and user-defined patterns
  • Provides full CMIS control in terms of I2C configuration, monitoring and other functions, and enables CMIS 3.0/4.0 compliance testing
  • Features industrial components, suitable for reliability testing inside an oven over a wide temperature range
  • API library, sample code and Python wrapper

The ML4054B is a fully featured 400G BERT tester with an integrated module interface, ideal for product development and validation, plug-and-play characterisation and production testing of QSFPDD, OSFP, and QSFP transceivers. This 400G BERT Tester facilitates production testing and volume testing and is equipped with a field-replaceable, MSA-compliant adapter. The platform is available as a benchtop and low-profile version, to enable versatile thermal testing use cases. The low-profile version can be directly mounted on the door of a MultiLane-approved temperature chamber. In addition, full CMIS control and compliance testing are enabled in this versatile BERT.

The GUI allows you to individually control each TX level, equalisation, eye balance, pattern, coding, and inject error sequences into the stream. The receiver features CTLE and FFE equalisation for up to 14 dB of loss at Nyquist; it also allows advanced troubleshooting capabilities.

Applications Include:

  • Production testing of transceivers
  • Benchtop testing for functional and SI functionality
  • On-the-go testing of transceivers in the field
  • Thermal testing of transceivers
  • Transceiver functional tester, for simple validation
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