MTP-200-D100 DWDM OTDR can support up to 96 C-band wavelengths, with 50GHz spacing Tunable Laser Source and Visual Fault Locator function.
DWDM OTDR with Tunable Laser
- 96 C-band wavelengths
- Dynamic range up to 38dB
- Short zone: EDZ 1m, ADZ 4m
- Tunable laser source with 50GHz spacing
- Auto/manual test and analysis
- Multi-wavelength testing
- Visible laser source function
- Fault locating, fiber length/loss/return loss measurement, connector/ splice/ splitter/ macro bend/fiber-end detection
- GR-196-CORE (.SOR) file format
- SOR and JPG file format
- Flexible file naming
- LinkImage smart graphic analysis
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