
AT4039EML 400G BERT with EML

4-Channel | 56 Gbaud PAM4 & NRZ | Bit Error Ratio Tester 400G | Integrated EML Laser Driver |SE
  • Low cost, instrument-grade BERT optimised for high-speed data analysis of 100G/200G/400G transceivers
  • The wide range of bitrate coverage allows PHY testing for Ethernet, HDMI 2, USB 3.1, PCIe, Fiber-Channel and other high-speed serial bus standards
  • Ability to tune the bit rate in very fine steps to facilitate finding the locking margin
  • FEC support
  • PRBS13Q/15Q/31Q support and user defined patterns support
  • Advantest SmarTest API library, sample code and Python wrapper.

The AT4039EML is a full featured 400G BERT that can be configured as four-channel single-ended PAM4 56 GBaud Tx lanes or four-channel single- ended NRZ 56 Gbps Tx lanes, with four channel differential RX lanes.

Half rates around 28 GBd are also supported.

The GUI allows you to individually control each TX level, equalization, eye balance, pattern and Gray coding. The user may also inject error sequences into the stream. The receiver features CTLE and FFE equalization; it also allows advanced troubleshooting capabilities by showing separate LSB and MSB BER, offering targeted error-insertion and allowing real-time monitoring of the received signal levels histogram, SNR and receiver equalizer tap values.

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